Ms. Shiina Tsuyuki is a college student, who took a year off from school, giving talks about climate change as an environmental activist. When she was 15, she attended an eco-school in Bali, Indonesia as an exchange student; until then the world’s environmental problems were just academic. Looking closely at what had been a far away world’s environmental problem was her first step to becoming an environmental activist. She is telling people her own age that there are things that you can affect with your actions today, and there are ways to protect the Earth now. What kind of future does Ms. Tsuyuki see?
(2021年4月17日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)
しあわせのたね。HP https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/shiawasenotane/
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#SDGs #環境活動家 #地球温暖化